
Healthy Food Creates A Healthy Life.

Many people chose their food based upon their desire to lose weight or to look a certain way. Although we all want to look our best (me included), our external appearance is  the least important reason to eat healthy food. Choosing to eat healthy food produces many amazing benefits. These benefits range  from glowing skin to defending our DNA against environmental toxins.  These toxins  may trigger a cascade of events that signal our  body to initiate the expression of various disease states.

If we humans want to live a vibrant, healthy, and productive life,  it is important we choose our food based upon what works best in our individual system. For example, one person may be very sensitive to dairy, having to deal with excessive gas. A second person may be very sensitive to gluten (or more accurately gliadin), having to deal with painful bloating.  Yet,  a third person may tolerate both and still look and feel like a million bucks!

The goal of Wellness Wisdom More, is to assist each individual in finding their unique diet. A diet that works well in a functional manner (on a daily basis), in a physical manner (producing healthy results),  and in an emotional manner (limiting emotional turmoil and stress).  We do this through individual or group discovery sessions  that encompass a discussion of  both primary and secondary foods.

Primary Food

As a graduate of IIN (The Integrative Institute for Nutrition), I was taught about many nourishing aspects of life. Although we generally think of nourishment as food, it is only a part of what keeps us happy, and thus healthy. Joshua Rosenthal aptly states this fact  in his book, Integrative Nutrition, by saying:  “Sometimes we are not fed by food but by the energy in our lives.”  For example, we can be successfully dieting, exercising regularly, and working happily, but if our home life is full of turmoil, we can still exhibit signs and symptoms of ill-health or “dis-ease”.

At IIN, we learn that relationships, career, spirituality, and physical activity are all components of what we “consume” on a daily basis. If any of these ingredients are absent or toxic, we are not  optimizing our internal  environment for creating a vibrant, happy, healthy, and productive life. Again, the goal of Wellness Wisdom More is to assist you in clearing each of these paths so that you can optimize your success in achieving your health and wellness goals.

Primary Food: Hugs and Kisses with Grandma, 94

Secondary Food

So now, we can talk about FOOD!  The kind you actually eat! This is where things get tricky. There are hundreds of dietary theories, each with their benefits and flaws.  Additionally, each theory  has supportive research to confirm either side of the debate.

To complicate things further, there are also thousands of different people, each of whom are uniquely created.  It is these differences, our “bio-individuality” that makes this world an interesting, but sometimes confusing place. The confusion arises when we try something somebody else achieves with great ease, only to find our self failing. As a result,  we begin to wonder why we are experiencing such difficulty, which often leads to discouragement.

Have no fear, Wellness Wisdom is here!  With a non-judgmental approach to food, feelings and outcomes, we are able to  discover what wellness path is most appropriate for each individual.

Healthy food is happy food.  Actually cut by me, 12/31/2015

Healthy Basics

Drink water.

We are 75% water with many body systems depending on this precious fluid to operate properly. Without water, our gut does not eliminate as efficiently, so we do not absorb nutrients as efficiently. If  we do not absorb nutrients efficiently, we do not produce hormones as efficiently. If we do not produce hormones efficiently, we are fatigued. And, the list goes on.

Eat  vegetables.

Ever since most of us were children, we were told to eat our vegetables. Unfortunately, dear ol’ mom was right. We should be eating all the colors of the rainbow. This  naturally grown food group is high in nutrients and fiber content.  Additionally, it can be eaten  in large quantities- without producing an unhealthy internal environment. Contrarily, this food group  cleanses  and restores our body to a higher vibration and a healthier state!

Avoid Sugar.

Sugar is addictive and the food manufacturing companies know it! They actually find ways to add sugar to food so that they can entice you to buy more. Unfortunately, sugar affects the body in many negative ways. For example, it leads to Type II Diabetes, Obesity, and the growth of inflammatory diseases such as cancer. So, be sure to read labels. Educate yourself on how many grams of sugar you are actually consuming in everything you eat or drink! If you are aware, you will be able to decide when to treat yourself to that cookie or that bowl of ice cream, without worry or guilt!

 Avoid processed foods.

All processed foods contain  long lists of ingredients/toxins that our bodies do not know how to process, so they store. They become trapped in our liver, in our fat, and even in our DNA. The food we eat feeds each and every cell in our body, so we actually are what we eat. . So, try to eat foods that will help you stay fresh, crisp, and alive. Try to eat products that  have no more than five listed ingredients. Additionally, if you cannot pronounce the name of an ingredient, you probably should not be eating it.

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”


To read more about primary and secondary foods, click here.

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